6 Carpet Cleaning Tips

7 March 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Are your carpets looking a little lacklustre? If so, it might be the right time to give them a good cleaning. If you are worried about spending hours scrubbing away at stains, this is the article for you. Here you will find some carpet cleaning hacks that will make the job much easier. Check out the top tips below and get your carpets looking great.

1. Vacuum the carpet

To start, vacuum the entire carpet to remove any dirt or debris. Doing so will help to prevent stains from setting in and make the cleaning process a lot easier.

2. Spot clean any spills or stains

If there are any fresh stains on the carpet, be sure to spot clean them as soon as possible. By doing this, you can help to prevent the stain from becoming bigger and harder to remove.

3. Deodorise the carpet with a baking soda mixture

Next, mix together baking soda and water to create a deodorising solution. Pour the mixture over the carpets and let it sit for several minutes. The baking soda helps to soak up and neutralise any bad smells, leaving your carpets smelling fresh and clean.

4. Remove pet hair with a rubber glove or sticky tape

If you have pets, then you're probably well aware of the amount of pet hair that can get embedded in your carpets. To remove the hair, press a rubber glove or sticky tape against the carpet. The hairs will stick to the glove/tape, allowing you to easily discard them.

5. Use a steam cleaner to deep clean the carpet fibres

If you aim to give your carpets a deep clean, using a steam cleaner is a great option. It will help to dislodge any dirt or stains that have built up over time and leave your carpets looking brand-new.

6. Make sure the fibres of the carpet are completely dry

Once you've finished cleaning the carpets, be sure to allow them to dry completely before walking on them. Doing so will prevent any dirt or moisture from getting trapped in the fibres and causing further staining or damage.

If you follow these tips, your carpets will be looking as good as new in no time! However, if you would like further advice on how to clean your carpets or help with getting stubborn stains removed, please consult a professional carpet cleaning service. A cleaning contractor will be happy to offer you further help and assistance.
